Day 1
12:30 Registration and poster setup
12:50 GCC Welcome, Suzanne Tomlinson, Gulf Coast Consortia
12:55 Welcome and keynote speaker introduction: Fernanda Laezza, Univ. of Texas Medical Branch
1:00 Keynote Presentation
Cell Types of Adult Mouse Brain: Definition and Experimental Access
Bosiljka Tasic, Allen Institute
Session 1: Translational Building Circuits
Convener: Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez, Baylor College of Medicine
1:45-2:05 Adult Human Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Depression: Are We Closer to Solving the Puzzle?
Mirjana Maletic-Savatic, Baylor College of Medicine
2:05-2:25 Brain-periphery Axis, Establishing Connections for Better Treatments
Sonia Villapol, Houston Methodist
2:25-2:45 Brain Circuits for Silencing Fear
Stephen Maren, Texas A&M Univ.
2:45-3:00 Break
Session 2: Bioinformatics
Convener: Chelo Walss-Bass, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston
3:00 Keynote Presentation
Array-Based Protein Kinase Activity Profiling in Disorders of Cognition
Robert McCullumsmith, Univ. of Toledo
3:45-4:05 A Multi-omics Perspective on Substance Use Disorders
Cristian Coarfa, Baylor College of Medicine
4:05-4:25 Developing Technology to Improve Access to Biobehavioral Health and Social Services
Benson Irungu, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston
4:25 Rapid Fire Talks
4:55 Closing remarks Thomas Green/Chelo Walss-Bass
5:00-6:30 Poster Session and Reception
5:00-6:00 Poster presenters will be at posters
Day 2
8:30 AM Registration
8:55 AM Welcoming remarks: TBA
9:00-9:45 Keynote Presentation
Psychological Stress and Prolonged Anxiety: Key Neuroimmune Interactions between Microglia, Monocytes, and Endothelia
Jonathan Godbout, Ohio State College of Medicine
Session 3: Neuroinflammation
Convener: Anil Pillai, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston
9:45-10:05 Systemic Factors That Contribute to Neuroinflammation
Louise McCullough, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston
10:05-10:25 PET Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Psychiatry
Sudhakar Selvaraj, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center Houston
10:25-10:40 Break
Session 4: Clinical Science: Suicide Biology & Prevention
Convener: Sanjay Mathew, Baylor College of Medicine
10:40-11:25 Keynote Presentation
Peripheral Neural-Derived Exosomal microRNAs as Biomarkers for Suicidality and Treatment Response
Yogesh Dwivedi, Univ. of Alabama, Birmingham
11:25-11:40 Time Course of Suicidal Behavior and Risk
Alan Swann, Baylor College of Medicine
11:40-11:55 Using Wearables and Remote Technologies to Evaluate Risk for Suicide
Michelle Patriquin, Baylor College of Medicine
11:55-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Networking, Workgroup booths
Workgroup and Consortia Booths:
Addiction Research
Francesco Versace, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Heather Webb, UT Health Science Center Houston
Behavioral Medicine
Chris Fagundes, Rice Univ.
Combinatorial Drug Discovery Program
Cliff Stephan, TAMHSC
Nghi (Ivy) Nguyen, TAMHSC
Brain Computer Interface Neural Mechanisms in Health and Disease
Dorina Papageorgiou, Baylor College of Medicine
Connecting Circuits: From Genes to Molecules to Cells
Elizabeth Zuniga-Sanchez, Baylor College of Medicine
Michael Mancini, Baylor College of Medicine
Anilkumar Pillai, UT Health Science Center Houston
John Allen, UTMB
Fernanda Laezza, UTMB
Noninvasive Brain Stimulation (NIBS)
Francesco Versace, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Heather Webb, UT Health Science Center Houston
Single Cell Omics
Rui Chen, Baylor College of Medicine
Translational Pain Research
Michael Lacagnina, MD Anderson Cancer Center